Thursday, December 6, 2007

Paramedic Wendy Reporting

The Children's Museum absolutely saved me today. The girls and I have been so stir crazy since we've been cooped up at home so much lately trying to get ready for Christmas, recuperate from vacation, and do mounds of laundry. We spent 3 hours today at CMOM, and we had a blast. Ali Kate got to slide and ride on the rocking horse. Abby put on an intricate puppet show complete with a formal announcement to the "ladies and gentlemen." She even called and made reservations for Ali Kate and I to watch the show. She also gave us a showtime to be at the theater. Isabella had a great time shadowing her big sister as they played house, theater, fire trucks, and more.

We had so much fun at the fire truck. I donned a paramedic vest while we rescued a hurt little girl and put her on the cot to put into the back of the police cruiser so that she could get to the hospital. We had a very complicated storyline about this little girl. Abby's imagination is just taking off.

We invited Matt for an impromptu lunch, and he really had a good time. He brought us sack lunches, and we all feasted in the little cafe they have. Then Matt actually hula-hooped with the girls in the lobby in front of everyone. Major feat in my opinion. We visited the Christmas decorations (Isabella was scared of the Santa popping out of the chimney) on our way to the stage. There Abby and Isabella dressed up and performed all kinds of plays and hosted royal balls. I got to be Prince Wendy. Yes, I said Prince (not princess). Hey....with all girls, someone has to be the prince.

Anyway, CMOM was just what the doctor ordered. We all had so much fun together and didn't worry about what had to be cleaned, washed, or fixed for a few hours. I needed to get out of the house to focus totally on them and give them good Mom time. That membership is worth so much more than what it costs. We're keeping one of those!

Thank you, God, for giving me these three sweet girls and our new baby on the way. I really enjoyed motherhood today. I pray that I get some relaxation and time away here and there so that I can be refreshed and offer them my best each day.

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